For this Part i would like to talk about man and woman, in a relationship. Ok, a relationship is something great and very distracting at the same time. When a human loves something or someone, you would be amazed by their capacity to love. They would protect their loved ones, even with their life. Most people dont really know the definition of love, as they see it as a means to you know, have sex. But, love is actually more than that. Love is (get ready), honesty, commitment, integrity, courage, sarifice, respect and so on. Ok, im not here to lecture on love cause im only like 15 (hahaha), so im just gonna talk about the emotional changes in man and woman, when they are in love :)
1. Some women, they have this sudden change in hormones or somin like that, and suddenly could turn SOOOO damn nice out of nowhere, when in the presence of their boyfriends.
2. Some women, they just CANT STOP BLABBERING about their boyfriends. They cant stop. 5 minits and then, "hey ********" even her girls dah mula muaak dah.
3. They become much more careful when around guys (unless if shes a biatch then...) because of the fact that she loves her Bf.
4. She GETS SUUUUPERR jealous if her Bf starts talking to other girls, ++ yg badan lawa, muka lawa, kaki lawa. :DD (hahaa!) p/s She dosent show it. But she IS DAMN JEALOUS.
5. Suddenly show some interest in love stuff, that most guys just cant stand. You know, I Love You, P/s I Love you, and all those other Love books.
1. Suddenly they have this rush of testosterone and go like "hey, dont touch my Gf ah?! i kill you! wtvtfl"
2. Their body posture changes when around his Gf.
3. Starts to take care of his body, maybe work out a little.
4. Starts to groom and worry about his hair, BO, the shirt his wearing, and so on.
5. Be ready to jump (attack) if another guy comes and disturbs his Gf. (This is usually the part when it becomes dangerous.)
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