Dancing Cows :D

The Stars at night sparkle in the twilight.

The final chapter of Man Vs. Woman. I will talk about the things that girls should do that the guy loves and vice versa. This is a very hidden secret of mine but i will show this to you my beloved readers to acknowledge your support and encouragement in updating my blog. Now, these simple tips are very little things that people miss out and resulting in some bad things going on (sometimes). These little things might seem little, but they create a really BIG effect on the respective sex. Yeah, i know ;D. Ok, here goes.

Ladies, one final time;

1. Every guy has a ‘geeky’ side of him. Whether it be video games, DVD, WoW, anime, football among other sports, or whatever. Don’t make fun of him if you don’t like it, either tolerate it, or learn to like it. DO NOT try to change him. If he’s constantly ignoring you for that hobby of his, tell him.

2. Compromise for movies. Watch his favorite movies and he’ll give in for the movie you want to see.

3. Hold his hand!! Even in the mall when you have a ton of bags, hold his hand.

4. Any time your guy gives you a compliment, don’t just roll your eyes. He means it, and you should smile and say thank you.

5. “Fine” or “whatever” is not an appropriate ending to a conversation. Only makes matters worse.

6. NEVER EVER kick them in the place below the belt. Even in a fight or argument, just don’t do it.

7. TRUST HIM. Don’t scream when he looks at another girl. We know you were goggling at the cute guy that just passed. It’s nature. Don’t dig through his phonebook, and hey, guys can have female friends just like girls can have male friends. If this makes things awkward, talk about it.

8. This should go without saying. Love him for who he is! Don’t worry about what others think. Don’t try to change him into what’s cool and hip. Some compromises can be made, and tell him that if he ever has a problem you changing him, to tell you.

9. A girl has the right to show off her body, but keep your pride and dignity. Be careful! If you show off too much, guys (and just people in general) may get the wrong message and make assumptions.

10. Remind him that you appreciate all the sweet little things he does for you. Let him know it’s not all in vain.

Men, the final call;

1. Women love confidence in a man. Confidence is definitely portrayed in the way you walk and definitely the way you approach people and talk to them. Learn to start building your confidence.

2. Women are most definitely attracted to a smiling man. A nice broad smile also shows that the person is very confident. Teeth-whitener would definitely come in handy at this point of time. You do not want to be flashing your grayish-yellow teeth while trying to attract a girl. Pay a visit to your dentist at least now and get a good veneer job done.

3. Cleanliness is definitely a contributing factor in attracting women. The more cleaner you are, the more chance you have in attracting them. Shower everyday and shave. Wear clean clothes and please for the love of everything, sport a good perfume. If you think your manly smells are intoxicating, trust me it is rather toxic and would kill a woman instead of attracting her.

4. Be honest. Women like honesty in men. Be who you are and maybe a cleaner who you are. Don't try pretending to be someone that you are not. Once you start pretending, remember, all your lies will catch up with you and you would definitely go from player to loser in a matter on nanoseconds.

5. Learn to be romantic. Your definition of beer, popcorn and football is definitely not romantic for a woman. She needs to be caressed both physically and emotionally. Take her out for a romantic dinner than take outs. Create surprises for her.

Yg selebihnye, cari sendiri lah! Ini kira bagus dah nih :D

Dipetik daripada pelbagai laman web yg berbeza dan diubahsuai.


Yo :D

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- Exuberant and cheerful. - Deep thinker. - Good sense of humor. - Understanding nature. - Faithful towards family, friends and your love. - Easy going. - Attractive personality. - Generous. - Amiable. - Ambitious.
